Dear Mister Mark Twain poetically said these words many years ago, and after spending July and almost all of August in this notoriously chilly and seasonally undecided city, I can see why this phrase has met the lips of so many San Franciscans...repeatedly...this summer, as rumour around the water cooler (yes we have one), the taco trucks, and streets has it that it has been the coldest summer on record in over 80 years. Yum!
Cool overcast mornings of no more than 13 degrees, sprinkled with the expected mist of not-quite rain, not-quite fog, and an evening chill that makes ice cream seem out of the question (only SEEM). It operates almost like a light switch - somewhere around 6 or 7pm, any warmth seems to disappear and vanish all within a breath; often mirroring the quintessential sign that autumn has arrived. Ah autumn: the season of change, of new beginnings, of shedding previous layers and preparing for the next phase of growth. Unconsciously, the Year of Passion is right on track.
With just one more sleep til until my 10 week sublet is complete at the Goddess Vortex in the Mission, this Sunday, tomorrow, I move out and begin 3 weeks of in transient yet familiar couch surfing...aka the return of bag lady status.

Although this time it will be spent predominately with some newly made friends that are extending some kindness to a not-so-stranger. The 75 days that I have spent at this heart-warming and welcoming space, has opened my eyes to so many new ideas, thoughts, theories, ways of life, people, foods, experiences, dances, art, relationships and more. I am grateful for this time spent here, although more signs than the seasons are saying that the Year of Passion marches on in exploration of new pastures of inspiration.
With just one more sleep til until my 10 week sublet is complete at the Goddess Vortex in the Mission, this Sunday, tomorrow, I move out and begin 3 weeks of in transient yet familiar couch surfing...aka the return of bag lady status.
Although this time it will be spent predominately with some newly made friends that are extending some kindness to a not-so-stranger. The 75 days that I have spent at this heart-warming and welcoming space, has opened my eyes to so many new ideas, thoughts, theories, ways of life, people, foods, experiences, dances, art, relationships and more. I am grateful for this time spent here, although more signs than the seasons are saying that the Year of Passion marches on in exploration of new pastures of inspiration.
In honour of the mini-journey and personal growth that has occurred while here, starting last Monday, I’ve decided to challenge myself to “go” 100% raw vegan for 1 week. Sometimes seen as a cleanse, the “Raw movement” is the consumption of only uncooked (or to the max temp of 106 degrees) unroasted foods, and definitely an emphasis on local, organic too. Fresh fruits, veg, greens, raw seeds, nuts, dates, fresh herbs & vinegars are fair game. Enter: Cashew “cheese”, sunflower pesto & the cornucopia of farmers markets colours....
In preparation, last Saturday’s trip to the Alemany Farmers market on the other side of Bernal Heights had my backpack brimming with 2 kinds of char, basil, 4 variety of figs, apples, dates, long beans, mustard greens, cabbage, and baby yellow heirloom tomatoes.
Room-mates, former and current, Adri and Caleb have both been advocates for eating a raw vegan diet, as the nutritional content of foods is higher in foods that have not been cooked and since raw “living” food contain live enzymes, your body doesn’t have to work as hard to digest, giving you much more energy to do other things – such as go for a bike ride, play Frisbee at the park, or even plan a trip to India.
A fast and strong connection, followed by a loving and passionate lust made this recent decision to separate a difficult reality to admit. Looking back upon this collection of unique moments of unspoken understandings and connections between the sheets and on the streets, my heart feels a bit raw, if not only for the mourning of the end of simply something beautiful that was. But this has come full circle at a time of other endings - the summer, the Goddess Vortex, and perhaps even the honeymoon of a living in a new city, even one that still captivates my heart at every new turn.
This finale in the heart department that I`m experiencing is slightly comforted by the fact that perhaps this is clearance time for not just I. Accompanied not only by the quintessential introspective, melodramatic songs of ColdPlay and Dave Matthews Band that continue to play on my Pandora station, I`ve learned of two other ladies, both within close degrees of separation, who are have also closed similar chapters this week with their San Franciscan lovers, lusters, companions...
But as the curtains fall on Act 1, an intermission ensues, followed by Act 2, Act 3 and then a whole new play. Act 1 @ the Goddess Vortex has been everything I’ve dreamed of my intro to Cali and more.
Organic juice company job, farmers markets with the most succulent fruit and vegetables that make my eyes dance with excitement, naked yoga in the sun, raw vegan food diet, purple Victorian home in an urban oasis nestled in my favourite colourful neighbourhood that is filled with raw life, lazy afternoons in Dolores Park, experiencing a Women’s Circle in Berkeley, a beautiful new road bike and an even stronger love of urban cycling, a legendary gay pride celebration in the Castro with new friends both gay and bi, hiking with Couch Surfers and friends amongst Sequoias and Red Woods, putting Sweat Equity into an SF start-up with the Dutch-born Indian Coconut sponge Julian, impromptu sing-alongs in the kitchen, back porch and stoop, biking the Golden Gate, art crawls in The Mission, passing passion-filled outdoors murals everyday, speaking, seeing, hearing Spanish everyday, drinking too much wine, passionate nights under the peace flags on my room, and countless “Is this really happening?” moments.
This intermission period begins on Sunday, when lovely Lauren, a 20-something lady friend who is newly transplanted from Boston to SF will be hosting me in her delightful Victorian house right off of Haight for some days.
With the intransient nature of these next 2 weeks, passion ponderings and musing are bound to surface, as will with the planning of the Year of Passions next stop beginning of Act 2: India.
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