It`s another cool night in San Francisco. I`m sitting in the 3rd floor common room at the Hostelling International (HI) Downtown San Francisco location. A dozen or so Gen Y guests are all sitting separately, faces aglow from the reflection of their laptops sitting where else, but on their lap. I am one of them. An indie acoustic song is strumming on the speakers, you know the type, the one that you can`t help but maybe internalize if you take the moment to listen to what the melody man is saying. Today`s miscellaneous music moment is singing about the concept of home, which brings me to my very next update. I wrote the below entry a few days ago, and am posting now. This week shall be an interesting one, and will be sure to post best-of pics and stories....

It was day one, Monday, and I was manning the not-so-bustling Info Desk at registration. A fellow from Citizen Group named Michael (middle-aged yet kind and chatty in a not-so-typical US American way) asked a question – of whch I have forgotton. Between chatting about cycling and him living in Merin County “just over the Golden Gate Bridge from San Fran” it came out – “Well I’m moving to San Fratncisco…” Mmm – interesting V. Where did this come from? (Please note that last exchange was internal dialogue) Then before I could stop myself, I told him about the Year of Passion, and he loved it. He gave me his card, and went on his way – although naturally given the size, nature and length of the conference, I would see him many times afterwards as well.
It got me to thinking – why wouldn’t I do this? This conference is really the perfect catalyst and energizer to explore the first big step in the YOP. AND with the connections made at the conference, it would only make sense to stay close the 80% of attendees in efforts to partner, intern, work, create (or all of the above) by being in San Fran.
I can work at a hostel in exchange for accommodation, volunteer at a yoga studio to further my spiritual, physical and mental journey, and meet, connect and play with this new eclectic crowd of San Franciscans. I can practise Spanish daily (already have used it daily in regular exchanges) but even more so in the colourfully latin Castro and Mission District and further my relationships with people met this week to work towards a job that fits the bill and allows me to.
This is beginning to look like a beautiful first big YOP step…
And so, my dear friends, at this point, that is the plan, the next step. So, starting today, updates about the YOP will be coming live from the West Coast of Cali – San Fransisco!
love the new layout and that biking pic is incredible!! woo san fran!