Follow the passion...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sailboats on the Sea

“Gonna rise up, find my direction magnetically...”

Perched 41 stories above the cool concrete and sea of dark suits and crisp shirts, I can't help but feel a bit like a cat basking in the sun in my lil' cubbie by the window. The South facing floor-to- ceiling windows makes the occasional moments of daydreaming quite the treat. Today is one of those days. In my 30 second staycation, my mind wanders past the immediate surroundings of Toronto's Financial District and the world of corporate marketing and obsession with e-blasts, all the way to the mass of slate blue lake in the not-so-far-off-distance.

I can't help but grin to myself as I see a triplet of little white sailboats emerge and almost dance around the harbour with visions of the summer to come, SURELY on their heads. Like tiny white flags signalling that the end is near, my smile creeps wider as that means the journey to begin the Year of Passion is fast approaching.

So as I begin the countdown to the exit from my pod-in-the-sky office job, I’ve begun the ultimate commitment to make this dream into a reality – opening my big gob and telling the fam, friends and some trusted colleagues.

Reactions have been a mixed: 1 cup some skepticism + a dash of concern + peppered with quite a few "Why New Zealand?"s and all wrapped up in a wildly supportive oven of loooooove.

Mum & Pops are onboard with ambiguous plans of return, although I will miss having my dear mumsy so close, she's a mere 25 minutes by train from where I am now.

Andrew, my increasingly risk-averse law-school brother, and his partner Janique had 2 priceless expressions on their faces when I shared the news (merci Skype).

Next up - my two sisters Kim & Lara, extended fam overseas, and of course: work.

AND...To those who have connected with me in some way with your thoughts about the whole kit'n'caboodle...WOW! Your kind words & support have really touched me; I just hope I can deliver the luscious and mind-expanding experiences I've been touting...crap.

In any case, here are some of my fav reviews (for better or worse):

· "Sounds good, but maybe just don't tell them [your work] about the whole "Year of Passion" thing..."

· "I´m very happy for you Vane...normally people only complains about how boring the job is and almost no one does something about it."

· "I'm sure that while you're out chasing passion, it will chase and find you too..."

I guess that’s the thing about dreaming, musing, pondering, debating a new idea or plan…it’s a lovely distraction that can easily float away; just like the wind in the sails of those boats. However, when we speak up about it, we make it real. And thank goodness that is the case, because at the end of the day...

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

decisions decisions...

"Make your next choice, be your best choice"

From the moment our eyes open in the morning, to the instant they thankfully close shop at the end of the waking hours, thousands of little choices pulse through our minds, all with the very real ability to alter the outcome of our lives. Although unlike the Choose Your Own Adventure kids books (LOVED those growing up) we aren't able to see what woulda, coulda, shoulda happened if we chose differently - we must simply do it.

So with that, some choices of my own are being made to help put a backdrop to The Year of Passion. A stage of sorts that will naturally serve up opportunities, experiences and those intangible moments of understanding, realization and growth that only travel can produce - and to be honest, a place I know very little about. I can say that it is the birthplace of my dear ol' Pops, the current home of my dear Aunty and cousins, 2 of which I have never met, and a land where apparently skiing and surfing in the same day is commonplace. Where the world's rarest penguin colonies share the same beach as those surfers, and where fluffy four-legged lil guys with the best wool coats in the world are over 47 million strong.

Just under 14,000 km from where I write this now, lies the jumping off point for The Year of Passion and the shores of:

New Zealand.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Turn and head for the door...

"So hard to do
And so easy to say
Sometimes you just have to walk away"

Ben Harper is the soulful man responsible for these timely words; although in his case, something tells me that his application of the phrase is more likely about some beautiful yet tragically flawed love affair - or at least thats what the Isabele Allende in me would want to think.

In my case, walking away means the long overdue departure from the well paying job at the big, reputable, international corp. where people put their dues in for future "success", accept and thus perpetuate the hierarchy and stick around to pay the mortgage, bills and wait for the annual salary increase. You know the place - it could be any office, in any city, really anywhere in the world.

Knowing this, this past week has been an interesting experience in articulating the concept of The Year of Passion to family and friends. However like almost anything, practice breeds confidence and the more I begin to share about what I'm doing and what The Year of Passion is about, the more I believe that this truly is my calling right now: to lead a life, and maybe even a movement, that flicks on our consciousness to believe that passion is possible everyday. Even the sheer mention of the concept sparks conversation, and begins the thoughts.

Friday, March 19, 2010

What is this?

"Hold your own, Know your name, Go your own way."

In a delightfully coincidental moment of internet radio, these words of Jason Mraz are playing out as I begin to muse on the "best" way in which to explain what this is, this Year of Passion...and do it justice.

In short, the Year of Passion is pretty simple; finding passion to live it everyday. I am deeply inspired by real people who live and breath their passion each day, and am constantly so pleasantly surprised when I hear of others who have consciously or unconsciously set off on their own Year of Passion, and have emerged victoriously with a life that connects them with passion. With the right melange of courage, self trust, positivity and dare I even say it, trust in the universe, may I be blessed enough to let this journey I'm about to embark on be the catalyst of change for a life of passion, love and laughter.

I hope over the next 12 months, you will join me as I hope to share the stories, experiences, moments, thoughts and journey that will become The Year of Passion.

Chao lovelies