I got to know Walter more in my search for Chilean real estate investments, and he introduced me to another eclectic character in my growing group of contacts in Chile: Max Mills. Max was a short Chilean man who lived in a house he built, on a piece of deserted, beautiful Chilean campo. His house resided on a small cliff overlooking a gorgeous private beach of perfect surf waves, wild horses and endless miles of contemplative Pacific ocean. Max and Walter were business associates of sorts after meeting on A SMALL WORLD "ASMALLWORLD is private international community of culturally influential people who are connected by three degrees." (oooh, is that me?) It's also invite only, and one only acquires the ability to invite others by participating in the site. Needless to say, I do not have any invites to give out.
But Max did, and after a lovely, and kind of strange day together with him and my partner in business, life and experience, Adam Boszoki, at el Portillo, longest running ski resort in the America's, he must have felt I was "ready" for an invite....weeeeeeeeeee! Here`s a pic of Adam y yo at Portillo...
Now, you may be wondering - what`s all this got to do with the Arab world being transported to Toronto? Well, about a week ago, I received a message from my ASW mailbox from a young, rather dapper looking fellow from Saudi. He would be in town for a week visiting his Dr. brother whose doing his residency at St.Mikes Hospital (Queen & Victoria), and wanted to meet up with some Torontonians for drinks or what not.
Not being one to turn down a fellow solo traveller, I replied and last Friday, we met up the Yorkville pub The Pilot. Arriving in a pink dressshirt and cashmere grey sweater, he was down to earth, chatty, and great company really. His neutral-to-American accent threw me at first, as did his lighter eyes and skin, but being half serbian-half Saudi, Mo was raised in Saudi, but went to uni in Nashville, Tennessee five years ago. Now working for a an oil and gas company, his extensive travels and use of ASW to meet locals while abroad has proven a wise travel companion.
A couple glasses of red, a SteamWhistle, and Keith`s later, my new Arabian friend picks up the tab and thus begins our evening of club hopping and his re-awakening to partying with alcohol after a 6 month hiatus of being in Saudi. A fan of the convenience of cabs, I abandon my bike locked to a Toronto bike parking `lolly-pop`:

College street bound, we meet up with Amelia Velasco, my Mexican biking friend, and her friend Latoya and become the epitome of Toronto melting pot: an light skinned Arab, a tanned Mexican, caucasian me with my multi-coloured hair, and Latoya with her long dark braided black hair and dark skin - LOVE IT! Getty Images would have been all over that...stock photo heaven.
We party our tushes off at College Street Bar as the beverages kept flowing, compliments of Saudi hospitality - aka Mo. After an hour of maning the dance floor, we bid adieu to Latoya as she caught the street car East, and Amelia, Mo & I grabbed a cab once more to head to the Bay Street Crowd`s retreat of Brant House. The Arab prince paid for the cabs, the drinks and the cover, and I was beginning to feel like an Arab princess...would this what living in Dubai would be like? mmmmmmm
Arriving at around 1 am, the customary end-of-the-night meat market was in full swing, as the guys who haven`t pick up yet were on the prowl.; an attractive attribute...really. BUT the dance floor was semi-empty, leaving us plenty of space to shake our bon-bons....and we did `til 3am. Awesome night team...
Now, how does this experience work with the Year of Passion? Well, seeing as this is my first experience:
a) meeting someone from ASW
b) hanging out with someone from Saudi
c) discovering a new helpful travel nugget (aka intl friend finder of ASW)
I thought it worthy of the YOP - Torontonian style.
And to tie us over until the official YOP journey begins in mid June, I`ll make this blog a `best of`` travel blog from past experiences from around the globe, complete with some of my fav pics and characters from The Book of Job, I mean Vanessa.
Thanks for tuning in...
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